Know your Portfolio!

Welcome to My Connect, your virtual office, a place where you will find all the tools you need to exploit your full potential and become an exemplary leader.

Are you ready? Choose the material you want to download!

1.- FS24 


Fast Start 24
Your First 24 Hours

2.- Japanese Technology and Science
that are changing the world

Find out how Japanese science and technology have made Sanki Mayor a World Leader in Nutrigenomics and Biotechnology.

3. Know your

Learn about the benefits, formulas and components of each Sanki product. Also, discover everything about our Kronobienestar system.

4.- Know
your business

Manage to become an exemplary leader with a System that details in three simple steps how to grow, duplicate and multiply your business.

5.- Share
your business

Discover how our science and technology, plus their compensation plan, will lead your prospects to earn and multiply their income.

6.- Product

Share with your prospects or clients the benefits of Sanki products with a practical and summarized tool.


Learn about the key elements of each of our Sanki products and the benefits of being a Sanki Prime Customer.

8.- Price

Explore all the combinations and utility percentages of Sanki products, through this accessible and practical tool.

¡Cancún todo incluido!

Pero hay más

Mientras te sumerges en el paraíso, tienes la oportunidad de ganar dinero extra y acumular monedas para un viaje mágico a Paracas, Perú. ¿Listo para explorar el mundo y descubrir más?