
Time is ticking!

Don’t miss the opportunity to  take advantage of our promotion. 
Buy now  and grow your business while enriching your life with wellness !



  • Promotion valid from July 25th to July 28th, 2023, or while supplies last through
    Call Center, MyConnect, and Replicated Sites.
  • Applies only to purchases made by Customers and Dis- tributors from USA and
    Caribbean Islands.
  • Applies to new Customer enrollments.
  • Free products DO NOT provide any additional points.
  • Autoship Orders DO NOT apply for this promotion.
  • This DOES NOT apply for Distributor Enrollments.
  • Shinkas DO NOT apply for this promotion.
  • To qualify for Hasaki, two products of the same flavor must be purchased.
  • Orders must be paid by Monday, July 31st, 2023, at the latest.

¡Cancún todo incluido!

Pero hay más

Mientras te sumerges en el paraíso, tienes la oportunidad de ganar dinero extra y acumular monedas para un viaje mágico a Paracas, Perú. ¿Listo para explorar el mundo y descubrir más?